Sunday, June 3, 2012

Win Valerie's New CD! It's Painless....

You Can Win a Free CD - just listen.
Hi, Everyone!

Would you like to painlessly enter to win my new CD containing exclusive photos, lyrics and more? All you have to do is reply to by midnight, Sunday, June 10 with your name and email address. I will print the list out and cut the names into individual strips. The strips will go into a hat. How old school is that?

The first three names drawn will receive a CD!

I told you it was painless.

I love drawing names! So, come on and let's hear from you!
Meanwhile, "Concise", the first track on dos, has become something of a hit on online radio. Yay! If you're an online radio junky, please request it from your station. If you're any kind of radio junky, please request, request, request. Thanks!!

Still desperately seeking a human contact at YouTube who can get my Valerie JanLois channel back for me. Many thanks to all who have sent suggestions, but so far no luck.  
A million thanks for your continuing support. Indie artists rely solely on the good will and word of mouth of fans. There's no corporate sponsorship for our projects so pretty please tell your friends about my music. Forward this email to a friend - or lots of friends! Come visit my website and leave a comment in the guestbook. 'Like' my fan page on Facebook. Let me know what you think!
Thanks for listening and have a great week.
- Valerie

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Finding Your Voice | Part One

Finding Your Voice Part I

Losing It

I’ve been celebrating the life of Whitney Houston, the woman with the Voice that can lift the part of you up that is made entirely of joy and wonder and love. We’ve heard many friends, family, mouthing the words of the media, speaking of tough challenges, bad decisions and  a tragic life. But what do they know?

The day after Whitney left us, I was sitting at a drag review in San Francisco. Those ladies are talented, too.  They emote the songs of the greatest divas, silently singing to original recorded tracks, original vocal performances of the great, famous artists themselves.  You expect to have a good, happy time at that kind of show and I was enjoying it. And btw, those girls really know how to dress. Next time I go shopping, I want to bring a drag queen.

Then Maura was introduced, glided elegantly onstage, dressed magnificently in a shimmering, full length, pearl gray, faux feather coat, and without warning the Voice came over the sound system, “If I should stay, I would only be in your way...”  The atmospheric change in the room was palpable.  We were no longer being entertained; we were being healed.  The ebb and flow of the effortless power of that Voice had miraculous energy.  I am not ashamed that I cried, the power of the Voice pulling out grief, but also joy and wonder and love.

Whitney Houston may have had struggles, may have served the media with the perceived highs and lows of her life, may have elicited judgement from every quarter, but on the plus side of her Karmic equation, she has much to recommend her.  In fact, I expect the Lords of Karma are quite pleased with the light she shed during her short time on Earth. Not to mention the joy. The wonder. The love.  

Thank you, Whitney.

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Tuesday, December 6, 2011



In just a few short days, we've finished recording my cover of Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" at Gawain Mathews Studios, mixed the song with Adam Muñoz at Fantasy and had it mastered by Greg Calbi at Sterling Sound. The mechanical rights were approved and we're still working on negotiating the synchronization rights down to an affordable fee.  Wish us luck! We have such a cute idea for a video to accompany the song. I'd hate to shelve it.

We also finalized the master of my new album, dos, and uploaded it to the manufacturer.

Sunday morning, I flew to San Diego to meet up with Oona Garthwaite and Tamarind Free Jones to shoot footage for the "Mothers of the World" music video with moms and children from the Encinitas SCI club.  We spent all day at the beach (I love this job) generally playing, running, hugging, chasing seagulls, laughing, rolling down dunes, dancing and getting wet. All for art. 

Sunday evening I flew back to the Bay Area and slept 11 hours.

The CD's will ship to Yonas Media from the manufacturer Thursday! Pre-orders are being taken now, so your CD's will ship as scheduled on December 13, in plenty of time for the holidays.

We also reviewed t-shirt, hoodie, poster and latte cup designs for the first wave of merchandise that will be  offered on to support the Mother Divine and Purusha programs and PermanentPeace.Org. All fabric is organic and all ink eco-friendly.  Each wave of designs will be printed in limited editions and we have more cool t-shirts, etc., lined up to roll out. The fundraising drives will have their own, new webpage and will commence soon.  Stay tuned.

Oh, and did I mention the new website went live? Check it out! Come visit the 'Music' page and sample the songs from the new album, dos.  Visit 'Featured Artists' and meet the musicians and engineers who made this recording possible.  Leave a comment in the 'Guestbook'.

I hope you like this new album as much as I do.  It's a really fun record.


With love,
Jai Guru Dev

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Valerie make Broadjam's Top Ten list in World Music!

 We just learned that 'Love Goes On' from my first album made Broadjam's Top Ten list for World Music!  To celebrate, I want to offer it to you FREE and will send instructions in a few days on how you can download your copy.

Thank you, thank you for your ongoing support! 

More News:  Producing my upcoming CD has kept me busy and we're all really excited by how the album's shaping up!  We're mixing now and I'm hoping to have the songs up on iTunes in September. 

Again, thanks so much for your support.  It means the world to me!

With love,

Jai Guru Dev

You're welcome to forward this email to friends and family!  Please let them know that the first CD is available for purchase on:my websiteCDBaby, and and can be downloaded from iTunes.  You can also sign them up to receive my newsletter on my Friends page.

A percentage of all CD purchases and downloads go to support World Peace

              Follow Valerie on Twitter!  Friend Valerie on Facebook! Sign Valerie's guestbook!

Learn more about cutting-edge technologies with deep roots in antiquity proven to create World Peace.Click HERE.                
The US Peace Government is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  Donations are tax deductible. 
                                                                            (Purchases are not tax-deductible)

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Gift Idea / Valerie's New Album in Production

Holiday Gift Idea   /   Valerie's New Album in Production 

Give Them Music! 

My first CD, No Drop of Love (Is Ever Wasted) will make a great gift for almost anyone on your list. Garnering rave reviews from respected music critics, the CD is still being discovered, one-by-one, by listeners all over the world.

If you're looking for an affordable, unique and memorable gift, go easy on yourself and choose No Drop of Love.

Available on iTunes and

New Album in Production

We've been in the studio a total of six days.  Drums and basic guitars for most of the new songs are done.  Most songs have guitar overdubs and seven have the lead vocals recorded.

I think this record's collection is going to feel loose, fun, rich and beautiful and the genres presented are even more varied than on the first CD.

I'm very lucky to have many of the same musicians playing on this record as on the first.

Ellen Hoffman played two gorgeous piano pieces. Dave Tweedy is an amazing drummer.  Gawain Mathews is a 'G'enius guitarist. Jon Evans will be laying down more brilliant bass and Julie Wolf is coming in to give the songs some lovely keyboard texture.  Adam Munoz is at the controls, Buddha-like.  The mega-talented Ben Yonas is playing harmonium!  

I'm excited to introduce another drummer on two of the songs, my old friend, Duke Gadd.  Now I know what it means to have an embarrassment of riches.

We'll have some violins, cellos, horns, harmonium...  I'm hoping the same musicians who played these on the first CD will come back for this one.

Thank you for your continued support! It means the world to me.  I can't wait to share this new work with you!

My holiday wish for you: health, happiness, prosperity and a beautiful, peaceful world.

With love,

PS If you'd like to forward this email to friends and family, I will not complain!  Please let them know that the first CD is available for purchase on my website and and can be downloaded from iTunes.  You can also sign them up to receive my newsletter on my Friends page.

Jai Guru Dev

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Album in Production

New Album in Production


We've been in the studio a total of six days. Drums and basic guitars for most of the new songs are done. Most songs have guitar overdubs and seven have the lead vocals recorded. We're on fire! I think this record's collection is going to feel looser, more fun and the genres presented are even more varied.

I'm very lucky to have many of the same musicians playing on this record as on the first. Ellen Hoffman played two gorgeous piano pieces. Dave Tweedy is an amazing drummer. Gawain Mathews is a 'G'enius guitarist. Jon Evans will be laying down more brilliant bass and Julie Wolf is coming in to give the songs some lovely keyboard texture. Adam Munoz is at the controls, Buddha-like.

I'm excited to introduce another drummer on two of the songs, my old friend, Duke Gadd. Yikes! Now I know what it means to have an embarrassment of riches.

We'll have some violins, cellos, horns, harmonica... I'm hoping the same musicians who played these on the first CD will come back for this one.

I can't wait to share this new work with you!

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Your Votes Are In - We Have a Winner

Thanks to everyone who took the time to write in to vote for their song choice for my next music video.  In the early hours of voting it was 'Flirtatious' all the way but something happened on Day 2, some shift in awareness, that brought 'No Drop of Love (Is Ever Wasted)' to the winners' circle.  After that first day, all the votes went to 'No Drop'.  While I love 'Flirtatious' and think it would make a fun video, I'm glad the other song won.  As one voter said, "This is the message the world needs to hear right now".

Director Brandy McNeal of Headlight Films has written a beautiful and moving treatment and we're all looking forward to the shoot date in California at the end of August.

On another note, production on the next CD begins early September!  Yaaaaah.  If you seanse a touch of panic in that 'yaaaaah', don't worry, it's only a touch.  Comes and goes.  It comes when I realize that at least two of the songs aren't finished yet and goes after I have a good meal.

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous