Sunday, November 7, 2010

New Album in Production

New Album in Production


We've been in the studio a total of six days. Drums and basic guitars for most of the new songs are done. Most songs have guitar overdubs and seven have the lead vocals recorded. We're on fire! I think this record's collection is going to feel looser, more fun and the genres presented are even more varied.

I'm very lucky to have many of the same musicians playing on this record as on the first. Ellen Hoffman played two gorgeous piano pieces. Dave Tweedy is an amazing drummer. Gawain Mathews is a 'G'enius guitarist. Jon Evans will be laying down more brilliant bass and Julie Wolf is coming in to give the songs some lovely keyboard texture. Adam Munoz is at the controls, Buddha-like.

I'm excited to introduce another drummer on two of the songs, my old friend, Duke Gadd. Yikes! Now I know what it means to have an embarrassment of riches.

We'll have some violins, cellos, horns, harmonica... I'm hoping the same musicians who played these on the first CD will come back for this one.

I can't wait to share this new work with you!

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

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