Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Finding Your Voice | Part One

Finding Your Voice Part I

Losing It

I’ve been celebrating the life of Whitney Houston, the woman with the Voice that can lift the part of you up that is made entirely of joy and wonder and love. We’ve heard many friends, family, mouthing the words of the media, speaking of tough challenges, bad decisions and  a tragic life. But what do they know?

The day after Whitney left us, I was sitting at a drag review in San Francisco. Those ladies are talented, too.  They emote the songs of the greatest divas, silently singing to original recorded tracks, original vocal performances of the great, famous artists themselves.  You expect to have a good, happy time at that kind of show and I was enjoying it. And btw, those girls really know how to dress. Next time I go shopping, I want to bring a drag queen.

Then Maura was introduced, glided elegantly onstage, dressed magnificently in a shimmering, full length, pearl gray, faux feather coat, and without warning the Voice came over the sound system, “If I should stay, I would only be in your way...”  The atmospheric change in the room was palpable.  We were no longer being entertained; we were being healed.  The ebb and flow of the effortless power of that Voice had miraculous energy.  I am not ashamed that I cried, the power of the Voice pulling out grief, but also joy and wonder and love.

Whitney Houston may have had struggles, may have served the media with the perceived highs and lows of her life, may have elicited judgement from every quarter, but on the plus side of her Karmic equation, she has much to recommend her.  In fact, I expect the Lords of Karma are quite pleased with the light she shed during her short time on Earth. Not to mention the joy. The wonder. The love.  

Thank you, Whitney.

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

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