Saturday, April 3, 2010

Some stills from the Music Video Shoot

I've been so lax in posting these...sorry! The pics can be found, in a few minutes, on my blogsite: The good news is that my fears of looking like Bette Davis in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" seem to be unfounded. I saw the rough cut of the video and I don't look over-the-top dolled-up, maybe just a little.

Margaret H Ryle was kind enough to come to Fantasy Studios in Berkeley and take some photos. Cisco Rivera, the cinematographer, took stills too, but I haven't seen them yet.

The day started way early for me since I have a two-hour meditation program to do before I leave the house. Everyone was already setting up when I arrived but the makeup artist (Kassandra) was working on the actor hired to play piano so I had , theoretically, the opportunity to sit still for a while. Actually, it took me almost all my downtime to haul stuff in from the car. I was expecting the studio to be freezing cold as it usually is, but it was very comfortable so the extra socks, scarves, bathrobes, etc., were unnecessary. I had even brought a hot water bottle.

The video was produced by Saleah Askia of Headlight Films and directed by Brandy McNeal. Michelle Chan was the production manager for the shoot. Cisco's crew -- everyone! -- was so professional and fast. We finished the whole day, including breakdown, one hour earlier than expected.

Brandy's amazing. I thought so that day and am even more convinced of her great talent since seeing the rough cut.

Rather than blather on about the shoot, I'll post the finished video in a week or so and let you see it for yourself. Hope you like it!


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