Thursday, July 15, 2010

God Realization is a mechanical process

This quote from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi explains that while positive thinking is certainly better than the alternative, it will not bring you to God Realization. To learn the mechanical technique of Realization go to

Lake Louise, 1968

Question: When we hear a sound, is that sound itself a thought or do we only hear the sound?
The later one. Sometimes we have the thought about the perception. Perception is a very mechanical process. Thought may have something of the heart or something of the mind - intellect or feeling. But perception is very mechanical.

Open the eyes and see the mic as it is. You start loving the mic or hating the mic. That will be the thought. But the perception of the mic is very innocent, is mechanical. Open (the eyes) and the image of this goes through the retina, falls on the mind and the phenomenon of seeing takes place - we see, we hear, we touch.

All this is completely mechanical. Touching the hand may produce some feeling of good or bad or whatever. That is on the level of thinking. But perception is not on the level of thinking. Thinking may result from perception or may not. Thinking may have been before perception or may not have. But perception as perception is devoid of thought, is an innocent, mechanical process, clear?

That is why in Science of Being you read "a mechanical path to GOD realization". Because realization or perception is a mechanical process. GOD cannot be reached intellectually. GOD can not be reached emotionally. HE or SHE can only be reached mechanically if the realization is to be true.

Emotional realization of GOD may be a mental hallucination. Intellectual realization of GOD is far from any perception. If it is to be realization, if it is to be a direct perception it has to be mechanical, only mechanical.

You will read in that realization of GOD through so many processes, but what process is hailed for GOD realization is an innocent, mechanical path of realization, cognition, direct perception of the finer states of creation, finest creation of the celestial order. And that is the field of perception of the almighty Creator and the maintainer of the whole cosmos. It is a direct perception.

And then when it has been detailed impersonal GOD as Being and personal Gods as the celestial cognition, celestial perception, then we have a clear idea of what we mean when we say GOD and what we mean when we say realization of GOD.

The realization of the impersonal GOD is the experience of Being - when the mind gets unbounded, eternal. That is the realization of cognition of the impersonal. And the perception of the celestial nature in the finest state of the mantra, when the celestial experiences dawns, that is the realization of the personal God.

And it is on that level that one starts living Cosmic

, and starts living life according to scriptures. And that is the normal human life. If one has not reached that, then one is an apprentice, immature about life. It is immature life. It is subnormal human life or even abnormal.

But that level of evolution (Cosmic Consciousness) is normal human life, normal human existence.

So ever since this innocent path of direct realization of the cosmic reality and impersonal GOD, ever since this became difficult, life became difficult to be lived.

So we are on the path to fullness of life and that fullness we are going to gain without long delay. And that is our understanding about life. We are very fortunate in this generation that such a clear vision, such a clear understanding comes to us. We only can feel sorry for all those millions of people in hundreds of generations past, who have died without the light of GOD, without actually living life. Life in suffering is not life.

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

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