Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Video Production Underway!

On November 9, 2007, I performed Sara/Miracles with Ellen Hoffman -- a truly great jazz pianist -- at San Pablo Recorders in Berkeley, California, thinking I was there just to record a quick demo.  That one song started production on a full-length CD, "No Drop of Love (Is Ever Wasted).  (Jan. 2010)  In a spontaneous wave of symmetry, Sara/Miracles will become the first song from the CD made into a video. 

I feel extraordinarily lucky to be working with the award-winning production company, Headlight Films; producer, Saleah Askia and director, Brandy McNeal.  Michelle Chan is production manager.  Thanks go out to Jeffrey Wood at Fantasy Studios for making this connection!

Filming begins in two days and editing should take about four weeks.  It will be fun to get your feedback!

Check out my blog at where I will attempt to post advance photos of the dresses I'll be wearing  for the shoot.  Guys, I know this is of no interest to you...I'm posting for my friend, Margaret, if by some miracle she gets online.

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

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