Wednesday, January 27, 2010

थ्री थिंग्स ठाट इन्स्पिरे में अस अ मुसिचियन

Three Things That Inspire Me As A Musician

3. Love inspires me -- At the basis of all creativity, I think, is love. When music begins to come through me, I have a choice to pursue it or to let it go. When I choose to put my attention on it, it focuses my love and when the song is finished, it really is like a love letter that I can send out to everyone and everything.

2. Great souls inspire me. Connection with His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has been the enrichment of my whole life, not just music. When I sit with Maharishi the words don't just unlock some intellectual understanding, they unlock me, heart and soul. I find my own Self singing in Maharishi's words. And you'll find Maharishi's words singing in several of my songs.

1. Diving within my Self inspires me. My inspiration flows effortlessly from within. I am always amazed at the profound depth that I effortlessly and immediately experience with TM. It's natural to come out from meditation every day drenched in the same qualities I experience within. It's automatic that the creative process is more dynamic and real. It's inevitable that the inner becomes integrated with the outer and that love constantly increases. Which brings us back to #3.

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