Monday, May 24, 2010

Invincible Defense Technology: Latin American breakthrough

Invincible Defense TechnologyDr. David Leffler's
Invincible Defense Technology

News on Preventing an Enemy from Arising with Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) 24 May 2010 issue 
In This Newsletter
Soon-To-Be-Invincible Latin American Militaries
Military Application of Transcendental Meditation Gaining Acceptance
Former Reagan/Bush Military Aide Published in US Newspaper On Invincible Defense
CAMS International Advisor Featured in Invincible Defense Videos
Fund Established to Help US Veterans to Become TM Teachers
Dr. Leffler Inteviewed in Plausible Futures
Invincible Defense Publications by CAMS Members - Since 18 Mar 2010
Dear Joe and Valeri Janlois

This issue discusses the deployment of Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) by four militaries in Latin America. This new development has special significance for me because I traveled extensively throughout Latin America while serving in the US Air Force and experienced firsthand the political climate of this region.

Later in 1978, I was stationed in Germany. During this time I tried to attend the special IDT course on an island in the North Sea (see article below describing videos by Lt. Col. Chassé), but for reasons to long to explain, I instead attended another advanced course at the Ilse-Eickhoff-Akademie in Bremen.

During this time IDT was deployed to prevent a nuclear attack on West Germany from the Warsaw Pact (an operation code named "Seven Days to the River Rhine"). Many of my meditating German and Danish friends were on such IDT courses. Because of the success of these courses I now have many happy memories of my assignment in Germany during this stressful and dangerous time.

David Leffler, Ph.D.
Soon-To-Be-Invincible Latin American Militaries
Recently, it was announced on Global Family Chat on the Maharishi Channel that four countries in Latin America are establishing Prevention Wings of the Military and have started teaching soldiers the TM and TM-Sidhi program. At least one of these Prevention Wings will consist of 3,000 military personnel. We don't have details yet, but the leader of Latin America for the TM movement just sent me these two pictures of one of the Prevention Wings for publication.
Secondly, another country has decided to implement Consciousness-Based Education throughout the entire school system. This new country is an addition to those mentioned in previous newsletters. For instance, the Brazilian government formally announced its training program for 1.5 million people. The Netherlands (Holland), Trinidad and Tobago, Bolivia, Peru and Colombia already have fully operational Invincible Defense Technology systems.

For the benefit of those readers of Invincible Defense Technology News who may not understand some of the terms being used here or the significance of these developments, I will briefly explain.

The TM-Sidhi program (which includes Yogic Flying) is an important component of Maharishi's Invincible Defense Technology (IDT). Scientific research has confirmed that large groups of peace-creating experts practicing the TM-Sidhi program together can create measurable positive change in the surrounding population, including reductions in crime, violence, war and terrorism. The underlying mechanism appears to be a field effect of consciousness in which collective coherence within the group spills over into the surrounding population, dissolving the buildup of racial, religious, and political tensions in society that fuels the outbreak of violence. To create this effect on the national level, research shows that a country must maintain a TM-Sidhi group of at least the square root of one percent of its population. The powerful coherence generated by such groups defuses enmity so that no enemies arise, thereby leading to a more invincible nation.

Here is an example of how to calculate the size of these groups. According to Wikipedia, the country in Latin America with the largest population is Brazil. In The World Factbook, the CIA gives Brazil's population as 198,739,269, which when multiplied by 1% equals 1,987,393. The square root of 1,987,393 is 1,410. Therefore, if the military of Brazil wanted to become invincible, it would need to maintain a minimum of 1,410 Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) experts. The US would need 1,800 persons.

A Military Prevention Wing of 3,000 soldiers well exceeds the square root of one percent of the population of any Latin American country. So the military leaders organizing this new Prevention Wing, and those in other countries who have launched earlier projects, are to be congratulated for their wisdom of deploying a military strategy of "overwhelming force" to ensure invincibility for their countries.

Personally, I have received this news with both jubilation as well as a tinge of sadness. Part of the excitement and joy come from the realization of the awesome ramifications of this historic scientific accomplishment. These countries have based their defense on the Unified Field of all the laws of nature. A phrase from the movie Star Wars describing a force ". . . more powerful than you could possibly imagine" comes to mind. Is this an overstatement? Maybe not. According to the Harvard-trained physicist Dr. John Hagelin, the technology of the unified field is a thousand million million times more powerful than the nuclear force. Years from now, in retrospect, it is likely that this development may have far more historical significance than the US military's Manhattan Project quest to develop nuclear weapons.

As for the sadness, those of you who have known me for a long time know that I've been diligently trying, for the last twenty years, to convince American military leaders to create our own Prevention Wing of the Military. Unfortunately, despite the extensive scientific research validating the efficacy of Invincible Defense Technology, as well as field tests by the militaries of Mozambique and Ecuador, the United States is still involved in two wars. Both could be quickly ended if the US military were to properly deploy Invincible Defense Technology. Perhaps the success of the Military Prevention Wings in Latin America will inspire the leaders of the United States to come from behind and win the Race for "Inner Space" in much the same way they beat the Russians to the moon in the "Race for Outer Space."
Military Application of Transcendental Meditation Gaining Acceptance
Paper by Dr. David Leffler on Invincible Defense Technology published in peer-reviewed Pakistani journal
Journal of Management and Social Sciences
The following paragraphs are based on a worldwide press release sent out on 18 March 2010:  
Fairfield, Iowa USA - A leading scientific journal in Pakistan, The Journal of Management & Social Science (JMSS), recently published a paper by Dr. David Leffler titled, "A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising - Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace." It indicates that the military application of the Transcendental Meditation technique has merit. Dr. Leffler discusses how militaries worldwide could use the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi® program, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, as a non-religious and scientifically verified way to prevent war and terrorism. When used in a military context, these meditation practices are known as Invincible Defense Technology (IDT).
Dr. Leffler describes the concept of a "Prevention Wing of the Military," a group of military personnel that practices the advanced TM-Sidhi program twice daily as a group. A group that reaches a critical threshold in size has been scientifically shown to reduce collective societal stress. The hypothesis underlying this approach is that war, terrorism, and crime are caused by collective societal stress. The absence of collective stress translates into the absence of tension between countries, between religious groups, or even within individual terrorists. Dr. Leffler proposes that, by applying this non-lethal and non-destructive technology, any military can reduce societal stress and prevent enemies from arising. If IDT prevents the emergence of enemies, the military has no one to fight, so the nation becomes invincible.

"The paper introduces a new role for the military: 'Prevention Wings' whose purpose is to prevent enemies from arising," said David R. Leffler, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Center for Advanced Military Science at the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. "This new approach, derived from the ancient Vedic tradition of India, is supported by over 50 scientific studies. IDT can create victory before war, and can assist in peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding." The size of the Prevention Wing would usually be 2%-3% of a nation's military personnel.
Typical Military Model vs. Invincible Military ModelLand-based Prevention Wings were successfully field tested by the militaries of Mozambique and Ecuador in the 1990s. The paper explains that sea-based Prevention Wings are theoretically possible. For example, carrier battle groups supporting IDT experts could be deployed to the Persian Gulf to reduce tensions in the Middle East, without directly penetrating borders.

"Since the military's primary job is to fully protect its country from attack by enemies, both foreign and domestic, all branches of the armed forces should also consider this approach," said Dr. Leffler. The paper concludes that preventing enemies from arising is both doable and economical. This press release was sent out from the United States, but due to the time difference, India was the first country to respond through an article distributed by Asian News International (ANI). The article was titled "How Transcendental Meditation can prevent war and terrorism" (this link goes to the Yahoo India NEWS Beta version). ANI promotes itself as "South Asia's leading Multimedia News Agency providing content for every information platform, including TV, Internet, broadband, newspapers and mobiles." The ANI article was picked up and/or inspired similar articles in these other India-related media sources:

Later The Times of India, the world's largest selling English-language daily newspaper published a similar article using the bolder title "Transcendental Meditation prevents war, terrorism."
The international response to the press release steadily continued over time. For other media responses who picked up and/or inspired similar articles worldwide, see:

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Video in the Works

New Video in the Works

The response to the Sara/Miracles video has been really gratifying.  Thank you so much for all your great support!  Now, we're working on the next video.  Brandy McNeal of Headlight Films has written a beautiful and powerful treatment for No Drop of Love (Is Ever Wasted) and we may shoot that first.  Or, we may do a full band video of Flirtatious.  LMK what you think!  Send your vote to

.  Thanks!

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous

Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Great Story

Here's a story from Bill.  I hope he doesn't mind that I posted it here.

Adventures of A Kalash Cab - Matt's Day of Desperate Decision

As read to the "Invincible America Assembly", Saturday, April 17, 2010

  Dear Friends -        

As a student at MUM, I have driven a taxicab in St. Louis, Missouri on weekends and on school breaks, to earn extra income. On many occasions, I feel, Nature has placed auspicious people, or especiallly sweet and deserving people in my back seat. I have told all my customers about the Transcendental Meditation technique for quite some time now - either in casual conversation, or by referring them to my personal art website, <>, where they find many research studies and personal testimonies aboutTM. I consider the rest to be up to Nature, and am very happy not knowing the outcome of our conversations, other than the most important one -- that of their new awareness of the TM program.
Since I began the Invincible America course, I have noticed my "TM-telling" has taken on a greatly heightened vigor ... due often to the remarkable circumstances and timing that now lead my customers to my cab, which I secretly call "My Kalash Cab". Therefore, when I ventured out last week, I had just a small desire that my dives into Vedic raconteurism might also somehow produce some "concrete" response for my customers that would be known to me.
When I let a customer out in downtown St. Louis on Thursday morning, I immediately came in on an airport run. However this fare cancelled before I could even set out to pick them up. There was about three to five minutes in which I waited, almost coming in on a not-too distant order. But then I saw a faraway order appear on my screen, which seemed to beckon to me ... and which, when I came in on it also turned out to be going to the airport.

As I pulled up to this house, a young man was standing out front beside his luggage. I loaded his bags into my trunk, noting that this customer seemed deep in concern over some matter. Still in silence, this young man sat absorbed as we drove to the airport, until about half way there I asked him what airlines he was taking. His answer was one of the biggest surprises of my life. He said, "Well, I'm either going to American Airlines, to catch a flight to Hong Kong, or I am going to Hertz Rent A Car to pick up a car to drive to this crazy university in Iowa where they do tons of meditation."

  I didn't want to startle him, but the effect was marvelous when I then said, "I go to that university." He replied --in utter astonishment -- that the reason that he was so quiet was that he was trying to make a final decision as we drove along about going to his "appointment" in Hong Kong, or to instead come to Fairfield and take the TM-Sidhi program.  In fact, he said, he was about to start calling his friends to take a survey on what they thought he should do when I had suddenly spoken up.

  It is an understatement to say that my customer was completely "blown away" by this whole thing. He even spent the next few minutes grilling me on what was the most popular restaurant in Fairfield where everyone went -- "Revelations", of course, though at first I said "Bonnie's Second Street Cafe" - and asked me how many cab drivers there were driving around in St. Louis who went to Maharishi University of Management. I answered, "Only one that I know of."

  When he was quite certain I wasn't either a spy or some kind of  hallucination, he calmly took out his cell phone and dialed his airline. He said that he was catching a connecting flight to Hong Kong from St. Louis and would they please cancel the entire ticket. When he hung up, we then proceeded to Hertz Rent A Car.

As we were unloading the luggage at Hertz he was quiet again, though this time I felt quietly decided about his future. He told me that his name was Matt. As I carried the last of his bags to the curb, he checked the trunk. Then as we walked -- yes, impossibly -- past each other one more time, Matt said simply, "See you in the dome in July." And I, of course, in matched awe, said -- "Jai Guru Dev".

My reflections on this experience were heightened by the videotape which was chosen for us the morning I returned to the Invincible America Course. During this wonderful tape, a course participant noted how his own experiences seemed to be quite connected to the growth of the experiences of his fellow course participants. Maharishi seemed more pleased with this observation than I have ever heard him about anything.
I think that "Matt" and I, whenever we should meet again, could validate the existence of that shared connection which is passing now amongst us all -- in the super-fluid state of the coming age: the Age of Enlightenment on Earth.

Posted via email from valeriejanlois's posterous